Home » Bibliography » Antiquity » Local researches (by country) » Israel
- Light. Lamps and windows in Antiquity Engle 1987: Light. Lamps and windows in Antiquity
- Oil Lamps from Eretz Israel. The Louis and Carmen Warschaw Collection at the Israel Museum Israeli, Avida 1988 : Oil Lamps from Eretz Israel. The Louis and Carmen Warschaw Collection at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
- Studio iconologico delle lucerne siro-palestinesi del IV – VII secolo d.C. Modrzewska 1998: Studio iconologico delle lucerne siro-palestinesi del IV – VII secolo d.C.
- Luce e vita nelle antiche lucerne cristiane della Terra Santa Loffreda 1995 : Luce e vita nelle antiche lucerne cristiane della Terra Santa
- Roman Period Oil Lamps in the Holy Land. Collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority Sussman 2012 : Roman Period Oil Lamps in the Holy Land. Collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority
- Lucerne di pace. La luce elemento di unione fra i popoli. Immagini e antiche lucerne dalla Terrasanta Paleari 2006: Lucerne di pace. La luce elemento di unione fra i popoli. Immagini e antiche lucerne dalla Terrasanta
- Jewish Art on Lamps in the Time of the Mishna (Cat. No. 74 : The Second Temple Hall) Sussman 1970: Jewish Art on Lamps in the Time of the Mishna (Cat. No. 74 : The Second Temple Hall)
- Let there be light : oil-lamps from the holy land Goodnick Westenholz 2004: Let there be light : oil-lamps from the holy land
- Ancient lamps in the Schloessinger Collection Rosenthal, Sivan 1978: Ancient lamps in the Schloessinger Collection
- Römische Bildlampen aus östlichen Werkstätten Rosenthal-Heginbottom 1981: Römische Bildlampen aus östlichen Werkstätten
- Ornamented Jewish oil-lamps. From the destruction of the second temple through the Bar-Kokhba revolt Sussman 1982 : Ornamented Jewish oil-lamps. From the destruction of the second temple through the Bar-Kokhba revolt
- Cone-handled lamps of the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 4th to 10th centuries AD Hartelius 1987: Cone-handled lamps of the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 4th to 10th centuries AD
- Lucerne bizantine in Terra Santa con iscrizioni in Greco Loffreda 1989 : Lucerne bizantine in Terra Santa con iscrizioni in Greco
- Byzantine and Islamic lamps. Volume 1 : Region-specific dating Hartelius 1992 : Byzantine and Islamic lamps. Volume 1 : Region-specific dating
- The oil lamps from the Hebrew University excavations at Bet Shean (Qedem Reports, 4) Hadad 2002 : The oil lamps from the Hebrew University excavations at Bet Shean (Qedem Reports, 4)
- Oil lamps from the Holy Land. The Adler Collection Adler 2004 : Oil lamps from the Holy Land. The Adler Collection
- Oil-Lamps in the Holy Land : Saucer Lamps. From the Beginning to the Hellenistic Period. Collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority Sussman 2007 : Oil-Lamps in the Holy Land : Saucer Lamps
- Greek and Hellenistic Wheel- and Mould-Made Closed Lamps in the Holy Land. Collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority Sussman 2009 : Greek and Hellenistic Wheel- and Mould-Made Closed Lamps in the Holy Land. Collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority
- Lampes antiques du Bilad es Sham. Jordanie, Syrie, Liban, Palestine. Frangié, Salles (eds.) 2011 : Lampes antiques du Bilad es Sham. Jordanie, Syrie, Liban, Palestine.
- The luchnaria. Inscribed Lamps of the Byzantine Period Nitowski 1986: The luchnaria. Inscribed Lamps of the Byzantine Period
- 1900 Nouveau lychnarion a inscription coufique Clermont-Ganneau 1900: Nouveau lychnarion a inscription coufique
- 1900 Deux nouveaux lychnaria grec et arabe Clermont-Ganneau 1900: Deux nouveaux lychnaria grec et arabe
- Die Beleuchtungsgerate im israelitisch-judischen Kulturgebiet Galling 1923: Die Beleuchtungsgerate im israelitisch-judischen Kulturgebiet
- Der Leuchter im fünften Nachtgesicht des Propheten Sacharja. Eine archäologische Untersuchung Mohlenbrink 1929: Der Leuchter im fünften Nachtgesicht des Propheten Sacharja. Eine archäologische Untersuchung
- Lamps (Tell en-Nasbeh) Baade 1931: Lamps (Tell en-Nasbeh)
- Note on the Lamps from Tomb at Beit Fajjar Iliffe 1935 : Note on the Lamps from Tomb at Beit Fajjar
- A Samaritan Lamp Mayer, Reifenberg 1936:
- Jüdische Lampen Reifenberg 1936 : Jüdische Lampen
- The sacred number seven. Reflections on the hellenistic seven-nozzled lamps from Tel Dor Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2009: The sacred number seven. Reflections on the hellenistic seven-nozzled lamps from Tel Dor
- The influence of Hellenistic oil lamps on the production of Judean local lamps Hershkovitz 2008: The influence of Hellenistic oil lamps on the production of Judean local lamps
- Lamps from Tel Dor (Dora), local production and Egyptian iconographic influence Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2012: Lamps from Tel Dor (Dora), local production and Egyptian iconographic influence
- Mould-made grey lamps with floral decorations Hershkovitz 2012: Mould-made grey lamps with floral decorations
- Lamps, Politics, and the Jewish Religion Wright 1939: Lamps, Politics, and the Jewish Religion
- Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Lamps (Tell en-Nasbeh) McCown 1947: Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Lamps (Tell en-Nasbeh)
- Lamps (Tell en-Nasbeh) Wampler 1947: Lamps (Tell en-Nasbeh)
- Lucerne fittili “a cuore” nel Museo della Flagellazione in Gerusalemme Bellarmino Bagatti 1949: Lucerne fittili “a cuore” nel Museo della Flagellazione in Gerusalemme
- The oil lamps (Caesarea Maritima) Sussman 2008: The oil lamps (Caesarea Maritima)
- The oil lamps from the south cemetery (Eleutheropolis) Magness 2008: The oil lamps from the south cemetery
- Marketing religious difference in late antique Syria-Palestine. Clay oil lamps as clientele indicators Lapp 2007: Marketing religious difference in late antique Syria-Palestine. Clay oil lamps as clientele indicators
- A unique bronze oil lamp and bowl of the hellenistic period Sussman 2006: A unique bronze oil lamp and bowl of the hellenistic period
- Decoration of oil lamps – transition from stamping to linear relief in the 2nd century CE Sussman 2003: Decoration of oil lamps – transition from stamping to linear relief in the 2nd century CE
- Hellenistic and early Roman fine ware and lamps from Area A (Jerusalem) Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2003: Hellenistic and early Roman fine ware and lamps from Area A (Jerusalem)
- Northern stamped oil lamps from Tel Dan in the late Roman period. 3rd – 4th centuries C.E. Hershkowitz 2005: Northern stamped oil lamps from Tel Dan in the late Roman period. 3rd – 4th centuries C.E.
- Roman oil lamps catalogue (Hippos-Sussita) Iermolin 2010: Roman oil lamps catalogue (Hippos-Sussita)
- Les lampes de terre cuite (Abu Gosh) De Vaux, Steve 1950: Les lampes de terre cuite (Abu Gosh)
- Five Lamps with Fish Reliefs from Israel and other Mediterranean Countries Schloessinger 1951: Five Lamps with Fish Reliefs from Israel and other Mediterranean Countries
- The Candlestick Decoration of Byzantine Lamps Sellers 1951: The Candlestick Decoration of Byzantine Lamps
- A Roman-Byzantine Burial Cave in Northern Palestine: Roman and Byzantine Lamps Sellers, Baramki 1953: A Roman-Byzantine Burial Cave in Northern Palestine: Roman and Byzantine Lamps
- Lucerne ad ansa anellata in Palestina (Secc. V-VIII) Bellarmino Bagatti 1954 :
- Another lamp with fish reliefs Schloessinger 1956: Another lamp with fish reliefs
- An inscribed byzantine lamp from Palestine Tushingham 1956: An inscribed byzantine lamp from Palestine
- Lamps, and an Early Stone Lamp Holder (Samaria) Crowfoot 1957: Lamps, and an Early Stone Lamp Holder
- A Seventh Century Lamp with Coin Decoration Kindler 1958: A Seventh Century Lamp with Coin Decoration
- Clay Lamps and Religious Propaganda in the Early Roman Empire Applebaum 1960: Clay Lamps and Religious Propaganda in the Early Roman Empire
- A Lamp with a Samaritan Inscription:’There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun’ Ben-Zvi 1961: A Lamp with a Samaritan Inscription:’There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun’
- Miscellaneous Small Objects: Lamps (Nessana) Dunscombe Colt 1962: Miscellaneous Small Objects: Lamps (Nessana)
- The Development of the Lamp in Palestine Kennedy 1963: The Development of the Lamp in Palestine
- The “Herodian” lamp of Palestine. Types and dates Houston Smith 1963: The “Herodian” lamp of Palestine. Types and dates
- Lucerne fittili di Palestina dei Secoli VII-VIII Bellarmino Bagatti 1964: Lucerne fittili di Palestina dei Secoli VII-VIII
- The household lamps of Palestine in Old Testament Times Houston Smith 1964: The household lamps of Palestine in Old Testament Times
- Representation of a Human Head on a Lamp Sussman 1964: Representation of a Human Head on a Lamp
- The household lamps of Palestine in New Testament times Houston Smith 1966: The household lamps of Palestine in New Testament times
- Oil lamps from the Bar-Kochba period from the Judean desert caves Barag 1969: Oil lamps from the Bar-Kochba period from the Judean desert caves
- Lucerne fittili a testa di cavallo in Palestina Bellarmino Bagatti 1970: Lucerne fittili a testa di cavallo in Palestina
- La ceramica della Sinagoga di Cafarnao Loffreda 1970: La ceramica della Sinagoga di Cafarnao
- An Oil Lamp from the Beit-Nattif Workshop Sussman 1970: An Oil Lamp from the Beit-Nattif Workshop
- A Shabbat Lamp Sussman 1970: A Shabbat Lamp
- Incensieri e portalucerne fittili in Palestina nei secoli II-VII Bellarmino Bagatti 1972: Incensieri e portalucerne fittili in Palestina nei secoli II-VII
- The Plan of a Roman Camp Depicted upon a Lamp from Samaria Gichon 1972: The Plan of a Roman Camp Depicted upon a Lamp from Samaria
- An observation on the direction of the decorations on Palestinian oil lamps Levy 1973: An observation on the direction of the decorations on Palestinian oil lamps
- A large Roman lamp in the Ceramics Museum Olenik 1973: A large Roman lamp in the Ceramics Museum
- Early Jewish iconoclasm on pottery lamps Sussman 1973: Early Jewish iconoclasm on pottery lamps
- Lamps (Caphernaum) Loffreda 1974: Lamps (Caphernaum)
- Inscribed and Radiated-Type Byzantine Lamps Nitowski 1974: Inscribed and Radiated-Type Byzantine Lamps
- The Diversity of Late Byzantine Oil Lamps at Apollonia (=Arsuf) Kaplan, Kaplan 1975: The Diversity of Late Byzantine Oil Lamps at Apollonia (=Arsuf)
- A Menorah Lamp from Atripalda Moss 1975: A Menorah Lamp from Atripalda
- A Burial Cave at Kefar Ara Sussman 1976: A Burial Cave at Kefar Ara
- A Corinthian Lamp at Tell Halif Borowski 1977: A Corinthian Lamp at Tell Halif
- Samaritan lamps of the third – fourth centuries A.D. Sussman 1978: Samaritan lamps of the third – fourth centuries A.D.
- Five Christian Lamps Sussman 1980 : Five Christian Lamps
- Moulds for Lamps and Figurines from a Caesarea Workshop Sussmann 1980 : Moulds for Lamps and Figurines from a Caesarea Workshop
- The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima: Eighth Season, 1979 Wiemken, Holum 1981 ; The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima: Eighth Season, 1979
- A typology of oil lamps from the mercantile quarter of Antipatris Neidinger 1982 : A typology of oil lamps from the mercantile quarter of Antipatris
- Lamps with a broken discus Sivan 1982 : Lamps with a broken discus
- Muslim Oil Lamps from Emmaus (Dated: Mamluk to Ottoman periods – 13-20 cents C.E.) Gichon, Linden 1984: Muslim Oil Lamps from Emmaus (Dated: Mamluk to Ottoman periods – 13-20 cents C.E.),
- An iron candelabrum of the 8th century BCE Hachlili 1985 : An iron candelabrum of the 8th century BCE
- Ceramic lamps from the hippodrome of Caesarea Maritima, 1974 Vine, Hartelius 1986 : Ceramic lamps from the hippodrome of Caesarea Maritima, 1974
- Ceramic Oil Lamps (Caesarea Maritima) Hartelius 1987 : Ceramic Oil Lamps (Caesarea Maritima)
- Uno studio sulle lucerne bizantine Loffreda 1987 : Uno studio sulle lucerne bizantine
- Overturning the Lamp Visotzky 1987 : Overturning the Lamp
- The terracotta lamps (Jalame) Manzoni Mac Donnell 1988 : The terracotta lamps (Jalame)
- Northern stamped oil lamps and their typology Sussmann 1989 : Northern stamped oil lamps and their typology
- Nuovi tipi di iscrizioni su lucerne bizantine Loffreda 1990 : Nuovi tipi di iscrizioni su lucerne bizantine
- The Greek Inscriptions on the Byzantine Lamps from the Holy Land Loffreda 1990: The Greek Inscriptions on the Byzantine Lamps from the Holy Land
- Una singular lucerna paleocristiana en Cieza Salmeron 1990: Una singular lucerna paleocristiana en Cieza
- The Lamp (Ancient Boat in the Sea of Galilee) Sussmann 1990 : The Lamp (Ancient Boat in the Sea of Galilee)
- Fernandez Gomez, Hurtado Lucernas romanas del Bajo Guadalquivir Fernandez Gomez, Hurtado 1991:
- Jüdische Tonlampen aus der Spätantike im Landesmuseum Mainz Lapp 1992 : Jüdische Tonlampen aus der Spätantike im Landesmuseum Mainz
- Les lampes byzantines, expression de la foi chrétienne Loffreda 1993 : Les lampes byzantines, expression de la foi chrétienne
- Lucerne invetriate dallo scavo della Probatica in Gerusalemme Alliata 1994: Lucerne invetriate dallo scavo della Probatica in Gerusalemme
- Lamps from Masada Barag, Hershkovitz 1994: Lamps from Masada
- Une décoration insolite sur une lampe byzantine Manns 1994 : Une décoration insolite sur une lampe byzantine
- Alcuni oggetti liturgici inediti del Museo della flagellazione a Gerusalemme Piccirillo 1994: Alcuni oggetti liturgici inediti del Museo della flagellazione a Gerusalemme
- Lamps – mirror of the sea Sussman 1994: Lamps – mirror of the sea
- A lamp mould from Sepphoris and the location of workshops for lamp and common pottery manufacture in northern Palestine Adan Bayewitz 1995: A lamp mould from Sepphoris and the location of workshops for lamp and common pottery manufacture in northern Palestine
- L’éclairage aux temps bibliques Briend 1995: L’éclairage aux temps bibliques
- A giant Cretan oil-lamp from Herod’s seaside palace at Caesarea Sussman 1995 : A giant Cretan oil-lamp from Herod’s seaside palace at Caesarea
- A group of Early Iron Age lamps from the northern Sharon Valley Yannai 1995: A group of Early Iron Age lamps from the northern Sharon Valley
- A rare multinozzled byzantine lamp from Kiludiya Ayalon 1996: A rare multinozzled byzantine lamp from Kiludiya
- A Sabbath Lamp from H. Uza Eschel, Avshalom-Gorni 1996: A Sabbath Lamp from H. Uza
- The Menorah as Symbol of Jewish Minority Status Fine, Zuckerman 1996: The Menorah as Symbol of Jewish Minority Status
- Blessings from Jerusalem : evidence for early Christian pilgrimage Magness 1996: Blessings from Jerusalem : evidence for early Christian pilgrimage
- A Jewish lamp depicting the sacrifice of Isaac Rosenthal-Heginbottom 1996 : A Jewish lamp depicting the sacrifice of Isaac
- Caesarea illuminated by its lamps Sussman 1996 : Caesarea illuminated by its lamps
- Oil Lamps from the Third to the Eight Century C.E. at Scythopolis-Bet Shean Hadad 1997: Oil Lamps from the Third to the Eight Century C.E. at Scythopolis-Bet Shean
- Glass lamps from the Byzantine through Mamluk periods at Bet Shean, Israel Hadad 1998 : Glass lamps from the Byzantine through Mamluk periods at Bet Shean, Israel
- Inscribed Pottery Lamps from the Early Islamic Period at Beth Shean Hadad, Khamis 1998: Inscribed Pottery Lamps from the Early Islamic Period at Beth Shean,
- Illuminating Byzantine Jerusalem Magness 1998 : Illuminating Byzantine Jerusalem
- A Byzantine tomb at the village of Rammun Taba 1998: A Byzantine tomb at the village of Rammun
- Glass vessels from Ras Abu Ma’aruf (Pisgat Ze’ev East A) Gorin Rosen 1999 : Glass vessels from Ras Abu Ma’aruf (Pisgat Ze’ev East A),
- The glass vessels from Giv’at Yasaf (Tell er Ras) Gorin Rosen 1999: The glass vessels from Giv’at Yasaf (Tell er Ras)
- Oil lamps from the Abbasid through the Mamluk periods at Bet Shean, Israel Hadad 1999: Oil lamps from the Abbasid through the Mamluk periods at Bet Shean, Israel
- Glass vessels from the painted tomb at Migdal Ashqelon Katsnelson 1999: Glass vessels from the painted tomb at Migdal Ashqelon
- Animals on Roman Lamps Rosenthal-Heginbottom 1999: Animals on Roman Lamps
- Architectural elements in the design of oil-lamps. A house for light Sussmann 1999: Architectural elements in the design of oil-lamps. A house for light
- A burial cave of the Byzantine period at Beth-Shean Avshalom-Gorni 2000: A burial cave of the Byzantine period at Beth-Shean
- The vessels of the potter shall be broken. The material culture from a burial cave at St. Etienne’s monastry, Jerusalem Coblenz Bautch, Bautch, Barkay 2000: The vessels of the potter shall be broken. The material culture from a burial cave at St. Etienne’s monastry, Jerusalem
- Una collezione di ceramiche palestinesi nel Santuario di S. Maria dell’Oriente (L’Aquila) Di Paolo 2001: Una collezione di ceramiche palestinesi nel Santuario di S. Maria dell’Oriente (L’Aquila),
- Im Spiegel der Lampen – Von den Anfängen christlicher Symbolik und Ikonographie an spätantiken Oellampen Zerlin 2001-2002: Im Spiegel der Lampen – Von den Anfängen christlicher Symbolik und Ikonographie an spätantiken Oellampen
- Byzantine shops in the Street of the Monuments at Bet Shean (Scythopolis) Agady, Arazi, Arubas 2002 : Byzantine shops in the Street of the Monuments at Bet Shean (Scythopolis)
- Preferential distribution of lamps from the Jerusalem area in the late Second Temple Period (late first century B.C.E. – 70 C.E.) Adan-Bayewitz, Wieder, Asaro 2008: Preferential distribution of lamps from the Jerusalem area in the late Second Temple Period (late first century B.C.E. – 70 C.E.)
- The Clay Oil Lamps from Khirbat el-Ni‘ana Sussman 2007 : The Clay Oil Lamps from Khirbat el-Ni‘ana
- The ceramic oil lamps from Horbat Rozez Sussman 2010 : The ceramic oil lamps from Horbat Rozez
- Oil lamps on Kernos vessels from Maresha Ambar-Armon, Kloner, Stern 2010 : Oil lamps on Kernos vessels from Maresha
- The oil lamps (Hammat Gader) Coen-Uzzielli 1997 : The oil lamps (Hammat Gader)
- Oil lamps of the early Roman period decorated with patterns copied from funerary art, Phoenician wall paintings and sculptured sarcophagi Sussman 2012 : Oil lamps of the early Roman period decorated with patterns copied from funerary art, Phoenician wall paintings and sculptured sarcophagi
- Palestinian Lamps with Christian Inscriptions Wright 1905: Palestinian Lamps with Christian Inscriptions
- Secular and Religious Life in the Holy Land in the Roman and Byzantine Periods as illustrated on Oil Lamps Sussman 2003: Secular and Religious Life in the Holy Land in the Roman and Byzantine Periods as illustrated on Oil Lamps
- Alcune lucerne fittili di Cafarnao Loffreda 2003: Alcune lucerne fittili di Cafarnao
- Lamps Decorated with Human Faces from the Excavations at the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem Hershkovitz 2003: Lamps Decorated with Human Faces from the Excavations at the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem
- 2013 Mlynarczyk Terracotta Oil Lamps from Qumran: The Typology Mlynarczyk 2013: Terracotta Oil Lamps from Qumran: The Typology
- Note sur une lampe chrétienne Petrides 1902: Note sur une lampe chrétienne
- Acclamatio crucis sur une lampe romaine tardive Waliszewski 1992: Acclamatio crucis sur une lampe romaine tardive
- Alcune scritte e lettere sulle lucerne in terracotta siro-palestinesi del IV-VII secolo d.C. Modrzewska-Marciniak 1983: Alcune scritte e lettere sulle lucerne in terracotta siro-palestinesi del IV-VII secolo d.C.
- Ancora sulle lucerne bizantine con iscrizioni Loffreda 1992: Ancora sulle lucerne bizantine con iscrizioni
- Lucerna bizantina con iscrizione bidirezionale Loffreda 1998: Lucerna bizantina con iscrizione bidirezionale
- Dieci lucerne con iscrizioni Loffreda 1994: Dieci lucerne con iscrizioni
- Motivi decorativi nelle lucerne del tipo 17A Loffreda 1993: Motivi decorativi nelle lucerne del tipo 17A
- 2013 de Vincenz Ceramic Oil Lamps and Vessels from the Burial Cave at ‘En Ya‘al, Jerusalem de Vincenz 2013: Ceramic Oil Lamps and Vessels from the Burial Cave at ‘En Ya‘al, Jerusalem
- Intentionally Broken Discus Lamps from Roman Apollonia: A New Interpretation Tal, Teixeira Bastos 2012: Intentionally Broken Discus Lamps from Roman Apollonia: A New Interpretation
- 1983 Sussman The Samaritan Oil-lamps from Apollonia-Arsuf Sussman 1983: The Samaritan Oil-lamps from Apollonia-Arsuf
- 1996 Wexler, Gilboa Oil lamps of the Roman period from Apollonia-Arsuf Wexler, Gilboa 1996: Oil lamps of the Roman period from Apollonia-Arsuf