Home » Bibliography » Antiquity » Glass and Bronze Lamps » Glass Lamps
- Early Byzantine and Later Glass Lamps Crowfoot, Harden 1931: Early Byzantine and Later Glass Lamps
- Glass lamps of the Roman and Early Christian periods. Evidence from the Thessaloniki area Antonaras 2008: Glass lamps of the Roman and Early Christian periods. Evidence from the Thessaloniki area
- Staklene lucerne iz rimske provincije Dalmacije Buljević 2006: Staklene lucerne iz rimske provincije Dalmacije
- Kaniskia : Glass and metal openwork lamps Stern 2003: Kaniskia : Glass and metal openwork lamps
- Le verre en Tunisie : l’apport des fouilles récentes franco-tunisiennes Foy 2003: Le verre en Tunisie : l’apport des fouilles récentes franco-tunisiennes
- Different types of glass lamps in use at the Byzantine monastic complex on Jabal Harûn near Petra, Jordan Lindblom 2005: Different types of glass lamps in use at the Byzantine monastic complex on Jabal Harûn near Petra, Jordan
- Lampes en verre coniques et à pied tubulaire Foy 2005: Lampes en verre coniques et à pied tubulaire
- Abbots’ orders, pilgrims’ donations, glass collection. The supply of glass lamps for a monastic-pilgrimage church in Southern Jordan Keller 2010: Abbots’ orders, pilgrims’ donations, glass collection. The supply of glass lamps for a monastic-pilgrimage church in Southern Jordan
- Volubilis. Une lampe en verre du 4e siècle Boube 1960: Volubilis. Une lampe en verre du 4e siècle
- Light. Lamps and windows in Antiquity
Engle 1987: Light. Lamps and windows in Antiquity
View - Glass Lamps from San Vicenzo al Volturno, Molise Stevenson 1988: Glass Lamps from San Vicenzo al Volturno, Molise
- Diffusione delle lampade vitree in età tardoantica e medievale e spunti per una tipologia Uboldi 1995: Diffusione delle lampade vitree in età tardoantica e medievale e spunti per una tipologia
- Glass lamps from the Byzantine through Mamluk periods at Bet Shean, Israel Hadad 1998 : Glass lamps from the Byzantine through Mamluk periods at Bet Shean, Israel
- Glass vessels from Ras Abu Ma’aruf (Pisgat Ze’ev East A) Gorin Rosen 1999 : Glass vessels from Ras Abu Ma’aruf (Pisgat Ze’ev East A),
- The glass vessels from Giv’at Yasaf (Tell er Ras) Gorin Rosen 1999: The glass vessels from Giv’at Yasaf (Tell er Ras)
- Glass vessels from the painted tomb at Migdal Ashqelon Katsnelson 1999: Glass vessels from the painted tomb at Migdal Ashqelon
- Kaniskion als Glaslampentypus in einem Papyrus des frühen 2. Jhs. n. Chr.
Lapp 1999: Kaniskion als Glaslampentypus in einem Papyrus des frühen 2. Jhs. n. Chr.
View - Un atelier de verrier à Beyrouth au début de la conquête islamique
Foy 2000 : Un atelier de verrier à Beyrouth au début de la conquête islamique
View - Lighting methods in the Byzantine period and findings of glass lamps in Anatolia Olcay 2001: Lighting methods in the Byzantine period and findings of glass lamps in Anatolia
- Production of glass in Early Christian Thessaloniki Antonaras 2011 : Production of glass in Early Christian Thessaloniki
- Glaslampen im frühbyzantinischen Kirchenraum. Künstliche Beleuchtung im Kontext von architektonischen und liturgischen Veränderungen Keller 2011 : Glaslampen im frühbyzantinischen Kirchenraum. Künstliche Beleuchtung im Kontext von architektonischen und liturgischen Veränderungen